Stalker Call Of Pripyat Tips

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Modified: 18/8/2010 21:21:21 CET

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat v1.6.0.2 All No-DVD.

How to view mkv files

This section contains all the tips you can see on the loading screen in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

Old Good Stalker Remastered by Team OGSR. If you’re in the mood for a better, OG Stalker, then this. Feb 06, 2010 Call of Pripyat is a game where a sense of realism is crucial to the overall tone of the world, and as such that means your armor can break down and weapons degrade with use.

. If you've ever wondered if you've read them all, you can use this page to find out. Also, they are worthwhile to read through if you haven't played other S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games before or if you are new to first-person shooters in general. Some of the tips reference one or more keys that have a specific purpose; in the tips below all these keys are the default ones, ie. they may be different in your version or configuration of Call of Pripyat.
Table of content
01 - 10
11 - 20
21 - 30
31 - 40
41 - 50
51 - 60
61 - 70
71 - 80
81 - 90
91 - 100
1Vodka, a cheap alternative to antirad meds, is the easiest way to reduce the effects of radiation on the body.
2Technicians in stalker camps can upgrade your weapons, suits and helmets.
3The weight you are carrying reduces your endurance. Excess weight will restrict your mobility, while being completely overloaded will stop you from moving altogether.
4You can hide and show different markers on the map in your PDA using filters. Filter buttons are located above the map, under the current mission line.
5Some suits have integrated helmets. It is not possible to use other helmets with such suits.
6To wait an emission out, take cover in a reliable building or underground. When an emission is approaching, the nearest cover will be marked on your PDA
7Weapon flatness affects bullet trajectory, while handling determines the time it takes the sight to return to its original position after firing.
8You can use a bandage, a military medkit or Vinca drugs to stop bleeding. If you don't deal with it quickly, bleeding can seriously damage your health.
9Drugs don't take effect immediately and some last for quite a long time.
10You can access detailed information about the current mission by holding 'TAB'.
11You can unload the weapons you find to get more ammo. To do this, right-click on the weapon in your backpack and select the appropriate action from the context menu.
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Tips
12To use an item via the quick access slot, drag it from your backpack to one of the four slots above the artifact containers.
13You need a detector to search for artifacts. The best detectors make searching easier and may even detect more valuable artifacts.
14Stalkers don't let people with their weapons out into their camps. To hide your weapon press the appropriate key ('1', '2', '3', '4').
15You can locate the edges of an anomaly by throwing bolts. To get your bolt out, press '6'.
16One of the most common threats in the Zone is radiation. Serious exposure will harm your health and can be terminal if not treated adequately.
17As well as addressing your hunger, food will also slightly improve your health.
18Energy drinks temporarily improve your endurance recovery, which increases your potential mobility.
19Take some food with you when going out on a long raid. If you get really hungry, your endurance recovery will suffer greatly.
20Low endurance can make you immobile and vulnerable to enemy attack at crucial moments.
23Some medical products increase the body's resistance to harmful effects. Using such products can save your life during missions into anomalous areas.
24The blood drop symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen warns you of bleeding and the need to stop it. The color of the symbol indicates how serious the bleeding is.
25A radiation danger symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen will warn you that you have been exposed to radiation. When this happens, you should use anti-radiation meds. The color of the symbol indicates how badly exposed you are.
26Your relations with people directly affect the price of goods and services you may wish to purchase. If your relationship is sour, don't expect a discount. If you're getting along well, the trader might even be inclined to offer you something special.
27You can bring up the context menu for items in your backpack by placing your mouse over the required item and pressing the right mouse button.
28In addition to their useful effects, most artifacts are also radioactive. This can be compensated for by using artifacts that absorb radiation.
29Your knife is ineffective against enemies armed with firearms. Use it in close combat or for a stealthy kill.
30A detector is the only reliable way of checking anomalous areas for artifacts.
31Most artifacts will remain invisible as they move around in the anomalous area, until they are identified by your detector.
32Mutants are more active come nighttime, which explains why stalkers prefer to wait for sunlight before venturing into the Zone.
33If you have suffered serious radiation exposure, use anti-radiation drugs. If you don't have any, use medkits to deal with the initial symptoms and until you make it to a medic.
34Most stalkers can take you to nearby locations, but only an experienced guide can lead you safely and quickly to distant areas. Despite this, they will all charge you an arm and a leg for the service.
35Selling artifacts isn't the only way to make some cash: offloading unneeded equipment can be a profitable business, too. Keep in mind that traders aren't usually interested in items that are seriously damaged.
36To repair an item you'll need to find a technician and click the repair button once you have selected the item in the modification screen. You can also right-click on the item in the same window to select the appropriate action from the context menu.
37The AC-96/2 has a unique two round burst firing mode. In this mode, both bullets in a burst will hit the same spot.
38To detach a silencer, scope or underbarrel grenade launcher from your weapon, right-click on the weapon in your backpack and select the appropriate action from the context menu.
39Double-barreled shotguns can be used to fire both barrels almost simultaneously.
40If you want to move with minimal noise, press 'SHIFT' to walk or 'CTRL' to crouch.
43Don't underestimate pistols. They provide considerable stopping power and can be very effective against poorly armored targets.
44Headshots do critical damage and are fatal for most enemies.
45Each type of mutant in the Zone has its own combat traits. If you take these into account, you will be far more likely to survive.
46You can adjust how far you throw a grenade by holding 'mouse2'.
47Enemies can and will use grenades. When you see the grenade indicator, leave the kill zone immediately.
48Speeding up before you jump allows you to overcome big gaps and cracks.
49Key indicators that show your health and endurance are located in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
50Sniper rifles are ideal for eliminating enemies from a distance, thanks to their flatness and accuracy characteristics. They are less effective at close range.
51Firing accuracy suffers considerably when you're on the move. Stand still or crouch to improve it.
52Weapons and protective suits will wear out quickly in the harsh conditions of the Zone. Worn-out weapons are less accurate and prone to misfire, while suits will not protect you as well.
53The Zone has a life of its own, which means that there's always a chance of bumping into mutants or enemy stalkers in areas that you have already cleared.
54Stay alert in the Zone and don't rely on old information. When you return to an anomalous area you've already explored, you may find that the old tested path is no longer available.
55Artifacts are not usually static: they tend to move with an anomalous area. Gun ho attempts to chase down an artifact will lead you into an anomaly in no time.
56Some medical products have unique properties. For example, Hercules pills allow you to temporarily carry more weight, while psy-blocking drugs help you resist psy-emissions.
57Some stalkers may offer you services, such as information, exclusive good, or give you orders for specific artifacts.
58Talking to regular stalkers may yield useful information about new areas or recent events.
59New artifacts may appear in anomalous areas that you've already explored after an emission.
60You can use any weapon in both weapon slots. This allows you to create flexible weapon combinations, such as assault rifle/shotgun and pistol/sniper rifle.
F' and choose how long you want to sleep for.
65The night vision device in your helmet can be upgraded to the next-generation version. This will expand its coverage range considerably.
66If you want to survive, always keep track of the crackling noise made by the Geiger counter, which warns you of radiation, and the anomaly danger signal that lets you know you're close to an anomaly.
67When out in the Zone, keep a couple of spare magazines on you - they're bound to come in handy.
68Remember to save your game regularly - this will prevent you from playing the same parts over and over.
69To use drugs appropriately it help to know what they do. Consult drug descriptions to find out the effects of certain drugs.
70Use grenades to attack enemies in cover. Keep in mind the grenade's blast radius to avoid hurting friendly fighters.
71To discard an item from your backpack right-click the item and select the appropriate action from the context menu.


72You can use the special setting in the options menu to have the game save your progress automatically at key points.
73When you return to camp you should repair your equipment, sell unneeded loot and restock on ammo and medical supplies.
74You can change the game difficulty in the game options menu at any time.
75To reduce the harmful effects of anomalous areas during raids into the Zone, use a protective suit, artifacts, or take appropriate drugs.
76Each weapon has a unique accuracy, handling, damage and rate of fire characteristics, allowing you to pick one that's right for you from a large selection.
77In addition to weapons and ammo, enemy bodies may contain valuable items like PDAs with information on them.
78Artifacts aren't just valuable loot: in addition to being light and expensive, they can often have extremely useful effects.
79Due to the ZOne's environment, many mutants are radioactive. Approaching them without adequate radiation protection is extremely dangerous.
80Some weapons allow you to install an adjustable long-range scope. To adjust range, press '..' or '..'.
0' or '9'.
82Some places are impossible to pass through even when crouching. To crouch as low as you can, press and hold 'CTRL' and 'SHIFT' simultaneously.
83To take a screenshot, press 'F12'.
84To reduce your chances of being hit by enemy fire, return fire by leaning around corners. To do this hold 'Q' or 'E'.
85Thanks to a built-in target location mechanism, your binoculars allow you to not only get a good look at distant objects but also locate enemies. To get your binoculars out, press '5'.
86To turn your flashlight on or off, press 'L'.
87To get your bolt out, press '6'.
88If you have a night vision device built into your helmet, you can activate and deactivate it by pressing 'N'.
89Press 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4' to use the appropriate item in your quick access panel.
90Your PDA has a map, information about current missions, your personal statistics and a message log. To open your PDA, press 'P'.
91You need to get your detector out to search for artifacts. To do this, press 'O'.
92To pause the game, press 'PAUSE'.
93To quicksave, press 'F5'. Press 'F9' to quickload the last quicksave.
94Running is the fastest way of moving, but also the most tiring. Press 'X' to run.
95Firing while aiming is far more accurate than firing from the hip. To aim, press 'mouse2'.
96If you have an underbarrel grenade launcher, you can switch between it and the normal firing mode by pressing 'V'.
97If you have several types of ammo for your current weapon, you can switch between them by pressing 'Y'.
98To reload your weapon before your magazine is empty, press 'R'.
99To discard your current weapon, press 'G'.
100To look in your backpack, press 'I'.
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Last modified: 15/7/2010 20:28:02 CET
This page contains various tips and information regarding gameplay and game mechanics of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
Table of content
Endurance and Carrying Capacity
Firing mode - full auto, semi-auto, and single shot
Food and Hunger
Game difficulty
Health and healing wounds
Locked doors and containers
Optional missions
Radiation and antiradiation
Artifacts and radiation
Selling loot
Secret stashes
Weapons, ammunition and attachments
Wodden crates and metal boxes
Endurance and Carrying Capacity
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl has a somewhat realistic damage simulation - in other words, headshots are much more effective than shots to the body or limbs.
Firing mode - full auto, semi-auto, and single shot
Food and Hunger
Health and healing wounds

Locked doors.
During the course of the game you'll often come across different cabinets, lockers, desks and other objects that may have doors in them. These will sometimes be locked, and the majority of them can actually be shot open - however not all of them. This is demonstrated in the video. To shoot a door open, aim for the lock and shoot until the door swings open. For those you cannot open, you can often 'grab' any items through the door, which many times eliminate the need to open the door in the first place - however, there are very rare situations where you actually need to open a locked door or container to be able to get all the items inside.

You will also come across doors that are locked with a padlock. Some of these can be opened if you shoot (or stab with your knife) the padlock until it falls off.

Optional missions

Here Sid has four optional missions - two of which require you to bring him a specific mutant bodypart or item, and two that require you to eliminate one or more targets.
As you'll soon find out, artifacts and mutant body parts can be quite expensive and can be sold for a good profit. However, I personally tend to keep the artifacts for as long as possible (ie. hide the ones I don't use in personal stashes). This is because, often certain people such as Sidorovich will provide optional missions that require you to find certain artifacts, and since these missions simply require you to find any artifact of a given type, you can often just pick up these missions, grab the artifact from your stash (if you have the artifact, of course) and use that to complete the mission. Doing these optional missions will not only earn you more money that you would gain from just selling the artifact, but may also give you some additional items (usually medkits and/or ammunition).

The same goes for mutant body parts - although Sidorovich personally wont buy these, you can sell body parts to other stalkers (and some vendors) for a nice price; but as explained with artifacts above, you can often pick up optional missions that require you to find a specific body part from a mutant. So if you always search the bodies of mutants and pick up any body parts that they may have, you can collect these and keep them in your stashes ready to use if an optional mission should be available.

Also note that you can cancel an optional mission if you wish to. To do this, talk to the person that you picked up the mission from (or who gave it to you) and tell him that you're there 'for the job'. You can then say that you refuse to do that particular job. As far as I know, doing this does not have any negative consequences and it can be useful if you're looking for a specific optional mission - usually certain contacts will only have about 4 or 5 different optional missions at a time, and if you're looking for a mission that isn't in this list you can pick up some of the optional missions, refuse to do them, and the list of missions available will have changed.

All around the Zone you'll run into pockets of radiation - areas full of radioactivity. When you're in such an area you can hear your geiger counter ticking; you'll be accumulating radiation which can be seen in the radiation indicator in your inventory, and a radioactivity icon will also appear on your screen. Also, when you're heavily radiated the screen will become brighter; for an example, check out this video. Even small amounts of radiation will mean that you'll start to lose health, increasing with the amount of radiation you've accumulated. The screen icon will be green initially to indicate low radiation but may become darker ending in red to indicate lethal radiation. You can drink vodka, use antiradiation drugs or special first aid kits to decrease or completely remove any radiation; also, certain artifacts can protect you against radiation and be used to remove radiation (although not as effectively - or fast - as antiradiation drugs).

The radiation properties of artifacts are added and subtracted to a final 'value'. Say, for example, that you are wearing three Stone Flower artifacts and a Droplets artifact. Each Stone Flower has a +5 Radiation property and the Droplets artifact has a -10 Radiation property. This means that the sum of wearing those artifacts is +5 (3 * 5 - 10), which means that you'll slowly be accumulating radiation by wearing them - to prevent this, you'll need to replace the Droplets with an antiradiation artifact with -20 Radiation (well, technically -15 but artifacts with this value do not exist) or wear a second antiradiation artifact. Using a single -20 Radiation artifact along with the three Stone Flower artifacts would also mean that you'd have a -5 Radiation 'surplus' (the -15 is negated by the +15 from the Stone Flower artifacts) that would help you remove any radiation that you do accumulate eg. from pockets of radiation.

Although S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl has quickload and quicksave functions (F7 and F6, respectively), you should be sure to make 'main' (or manual) savegames often. You'll likely find yourself quicksaving during firefights which usually is a good idea, but in case you make one at a bad spot (ie. just before getting shot in the back) you'll want to have an earlier savegame to go back to. Since the quicksave will use the same save slot every time you quicksave, you'll basically be overwriting it all the time - and you won't be able to go back to an earlier quicksave. The same goes for autosaves - every time you enter a new area the game will make an autosave for you - but like quicksaves, these will also use the same slot and will eventually be overwritten. I personally tend to make at least one manual save at the beginning of a new area - and possibly a few more along the way. This way you always have a recent (or semi-recent) savegame to rely on in case something goes wrong with your quicksave.
Artifacts and radiation

For a comprehensive list of traders, inventory and prices, etc. please refer to this page.

Traders and trading

The condition indicator.
After having ventured into the Zone you're likely to find yourself with alot of weapons and possibly an armor or two. These items, along with ammunition, food, artifacts, etc. can be sold to vendors - other stalkers will also buy certain items, except for weapons, ammunition and armor. This is a great way to earn additional money that you can spend on the equipment you really need.

When you open your inventory and click on these items, you'll notice that they have a condition indicator below the item price. This indicator is important when it comes to weapons and armors since the condition of a weapon, for example, directly affects the chance of it to become jammed when you use it - a jam will require that you reload the weapon before you can fire it again, which obviously not only can be annoying but also quite fatal in the right (or should I say wrong) situation. This means that whatever weapons you decide to sell should be the ones with the worst condition; they wont be as valuable as the ones with better condition, but that shouldn't be a problem - you'll never get rich by selling weapons alone anyway, and soon enough you'll come across more weapons than you really need or even wish to carry around. The condition of a weapon (and armor) will decrease as it's used; the condition of weapons decrease very slowly with every use (ie. each time you fire), and for armors it's dependant on how much damage you've taken from bullets, explosions, etc. As the condition of an armor decreases so does its protective features - which means that you may wish, from time to time, to replace your armor with a 'fresh' (or better) version. Armors, like weapons, can be found in stashes and various places, but also be bought from vendors around the Zone.

More often than not you'll end up having too much loot - finding more items, weapons, etc. than you can actaully carry with you. You can of course simply make trips back and forth from a vendor to make sure you sell it all, but it's time consuming and weapons, for example, won't really be worth it considering the amount of money you get compared to how much a weapon weighs. Ammunition is a different story - you can carry alot of ammunition at the expense of a looted weapon, and it will often net you alot more money. Also antiradiation drugs are not only more effective than vodka bottles, but they also weigh less and are more expensive - in other words, always take preference to antiradiation drugs if you're faced with a choice between the two. The Traders, Inventory & Prices page includes a weight vs. price comparison (the RU/Kg column) for all items that you can use to determine which ones are the most lucrative to haul back to a trader.


A private stash.
Immediately after starting a new game and having talked to Sidorovich you should see a blue box on the floor - this is a so-called private stash, and it's there for you to use. There are two different types of stashes - private stashes (blue boxes) and secret stashes. The private stashes are basically places where you can safely store equipment, meaning that other stalkers or enemies won't touch or take items from them, and anything in these stashes will be saved when you save your current game. They are extremely handy because often you may find weapons and equipment that you wish to keep, but at the same time don't want to carry around all the time. In short, use the private stashes to store equipment. These types of stashes can be found in various key areas around the Zone.

I have seen reports that some people have had their blue box stashes wiped and replaced with random loot; this is obviously concerning, and indicates that not all blue box stashes are 'safe' to use; in fact, some secret stashes (see below) appear as blue boxes which means that just because you see a blue box doesn't mean it's a safe place to store equipment. Mac freeware. However, consider the blue box stashes in some key locations (at Sidorovich in Cordon and the 100 Rads bar in the Bar area) safe to use since they are located in 'havens' - places where other stalkers either don't come or don't wander about.

Secret stashes are scattered all over the Zone but you'll need to find information about them first - this means that even if you come by a place to 'put things' (such as a pipe, a safe, or whatever) it's more than likely going to be empty unless you have found information about that particular stash first. Information about secret stashes can be found by searching the bodies of dead stalkers, bandits, etc. (mutants and zombies will not reveal such information) or may sometimes be given to you as part of a mission reward. Once you have found enough information about a secret stash it will be shown on the map in your PDA with a round, purple icon; you can hover your mouse over these icons to see a description of the individual stashes. Sometimes when you empty a secret stash the icon on your map will disappear, sometimes it wont. The latter case is experienced when you have found information about the stash more than once, without looting it in the meantime. I reckon this is a bug.

It seems that a few words has been confused in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl regarding stash locations - often you may see the word 'cellar' in the description of a stash where it should actually say 'ceiling' or 'attic', and possibly vice versa. Free video converter for mac snow leopard.

Make sure you search any bodies you come upon - even if you have already searched them before. If you kill some bandits, for example, you can search their bodies for goodies and information about stashes; if you move to a different area of the Zone, and later come back, searching the bodies again may reveal new information about other stashes. For a list of secret stashes, their locations and content, please refer to this page.

Stalker shadow of chernobyl tips
Weapons, ammunition and attachments

Right-click a weapon to see the options available.
When you buy a weapon from a vendor (eg. Sidorovich), or receive one as part of a mission reward, it will come loaded with one clip (or rounds) of standard ammunition for that weapon. The weapons you find on bandits and other defeated enemies may have ammunition in them; you can unload it and salvage the ammo which is handy if you are low, or you want to gather ammo without carrying alot of weapons with you. To unload the ammunition from a weapon, open up your inventory, right-click the weapon and click unload

Stalker Call Of Pripyat Tips

in the pop-up menu; if the unload item isn't available it simply means that the weapon is empty. You can also use the same procedure to dismount weapon attachments (scopes, grenade launchers, and silencers); not all scopes, silencers and grenade launchers can be detached. To apply an attachment to a weapon, equip the weapon you wish to attach it to and either drag and drop the attachment onto the weapon or right-click the attachment and click attach... Most attachments, with the exception of SUSAT scopes, are rare so if you come upon one be sure to keep it.

Must break boxes, broken boxes good!

See Full List On

Containers such as wooden crates and metal boxes can be broken and may often reveal various items - usually ammunition, medkits, bandages, etc. and even artifacts (although I think these only can be found in crates). You can break these containers by shooting them or by using your knife. Before you pick up the items, notice that when you point the reticle near an item you can pick up, an icon of that item will appear on the screen - this is useful not only to see what the item is, but the icon will usually appear when the reticle is close to an item, and thus can be handy to find partially obscured or hidden objects. Also, try to press and hold down the Use key - you should notice that labels appear on the screen, for a short time, to indicate different nearby items; this can be useful (eg. in dark places) to locate items that may be hidden from vision.

Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl Tips

Please note that I'll often describe specifically what you can find in various crates and boxes - however, many of these items seem to be randomly generated so don't expect to find exactly the same.

Stalker Call Of Pripyat Cheats

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