Washington X is a complete city plus airport package of the large area of Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America. With this product, you are free to fly to any of 5 airports and many heliports in the area, admire some of the world-renowned landmarks like Capitol or Pentagon, or simply pay a visit to The President of the United States in his Oval Office in the White House. The choice is yours! | |||
INSTALLATION The product will be automatically added to the Flight Simulator Scenery Library. Our installer provides you additional optional features during install. To select different options, simply run the installer again. Uninstall instructions are provided in the manual. SimObject Display Engine (SODE) is required for this product to be installed. COMPATIBILITY This product is compatible with all Drzewiecki Design products, all ORBX products, all PILOT’S products and all Megascenery products. It is not compatible with other products featuring included airports. | SCENERY FEATURES
Seattle Airports X is the most complete, up-to-date, affordable and performance-friendly scenery package of 5 airports in the Seattle metropolitan area, Washington state, USA. This product is compatible with FSX-based platforms including Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D (P3D).

Drzewiecki Seattle Crack Fire
SEATTLE AIRPORTS X Seattle Airports X is the most complete, up-to-date, affordable, and performance-friendly scenery package of 5 airports in the Seattle metropolitan area, Washington State, USA. This product is compatible with FSX-based platforms including Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D (P3D). Drzewiecki Design - Seattle Landmarks MSFS Seattle Landmarks MSFS, is a detailed scenery of Seattle city in Washington state, in the United States of America. It includes roughly two thousand custom-made objects and numerous interesting areas of the city to explore crowned with. DRZEWIECKI Design have come out with some stunning payware scenery for Russia (with love). Over 1000 hand crafted buildings!